Discipling Your Children Can Begin At Home, Seeds Worship Bible Clubs
- September 15, 2015
- September McCarthy
- Sponsor Spotlight
As the Israelites were entering the Promise Land after years of wandering in a dessert, Moses gave the people a strong reminder...

Finding An Outlet For Your Children’s Creativity and Talents
- September 14, 2015
- September McCarthy
- ChildrenSponsor Spotlight
SENECA SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS is a multi-faceted school inspired by the vision of Cheryl Siegfried, founder of Seneca School of...

Tell Tale Signs You’re Doing The Right Thing (to the doubting mother)
- September 8, 2015
- September McCarthy
- Uncategorized
I don’t want to be the first one to burst your bubble. The little caption above your head that reads, ”...

Preparing The Next Generation For Success
- September 4, 2015
- September McCarthy
- #RGTembrace
Almost every book we may pick up for success will include one paraphrase or another explaining what our parents forgot to...

Amazing Giveaway’s From Our Sponsor’s
- September 2, 2015
- September McCarthy
- GiveawaysSponsor Spotlight
Raising Generations Today is so thankful to the Sponsor’s who share their name and their products with us, so that we...

Dear Mom’s, You Are Doing A Mighty Work (Seeds Family Worship Giveaway)
- May 28, 2015
- September McCarthy
- Giveaways
I have to remind myself often that parenting is a marathon and not a sprint. In other words, parenting is a...

The Sweetest Giveaway From Hall’s Candie’s
- May 11, 2015
- September McCarthy
- #RGTembraceGiveaways
Hall’s Candies is a proud sponsor of RGT Embrace 2015. Hall’s has been in the candy-making business for over 40 years....
Invite Your Friends! You Don’t Want To Miss The Party! (and a ticket giveaway)
- March 10, 2015
- September McCarthy
- #RGTembraceGiveaways
Embrace 2015 has some exciting news to share! Are you ready for the party! Join us this week here on the...