In order to get to a place called Laity Lodge in Texas, you have to drive into a riverbed. The road takes you down a steep rocky hill into a canyon and straight into the water. There is a sign at the water’s edge that says, “Yes. You drive into the river.”
One who has the blessing to be a mama will come to places as unexpected and perhaps looking as impossible to travel as driving through a riverbed.
But drive on, Mama.
Late at night, when you lie awake listening for the cries that mean you need to bring nourishment to a baby’s tummy.
Hearing the doctor say, “Something’s not right.”
When your little boy comes home and tells you another boy erased his homework answers and wrote all over his paper.
When your teenage girl didn’t get asked to the dance.
You are weary. You are spent. You are full of anger and sorrow.
Drive on, Mama.
When a call comes from the teacher saying that your child has a reading level below the rest of his class.
When your high school daughter doesn’t make the team.
When your college age son gets his first broken heart.
When you feel the lump and fear the worst.
You are anxious. You are desperate. You are full of doubt and fear.
Drive on, Mama.
You may glance around for an easier route, but you know down deep that with each day comes the choice to face that riverbed of the unknown, conflict, and pain.
Drive on, Mama.
For you will keep those stories of when you crossed those rivers — when you took the risk of obedience and found solid rock beneath you.
You can share that hope to your child. The hope we can find in Jesus.
The Lord your God will cross over at your head . . . he will be with you; he will not fail you nor forsake you. Do not be discouraged or afraid (Duet.30:19, 20, 31:3, 8).
And your child will follow your lead. Driving on through the riverbed into her unknown, yet it’s the only way that will bring her hope. She will find that among those hard choices, there will be celebrations. When the tires cross the river and she is on the other side.
The blessings from obedience.
The joy from perseverance.
The comfort from His love.
You will share in those celebrations. God has given you the blessing of driving on before so that you may call to your children while you point to Him.
And He will do great things through you. And through your children.
And all because you made that choice to drive on.
Oh, Sweet Mamas, grab my hand and let’s drive on together.
Blessings and Big Hugs,
Angie Ryg
Angie has been described as the “fun sister next door.” And like a real sister, she will make you laugh as well as encourage you to drink deeper from the well of God’s grace. She is the author of Clutter Free Simplicity. Her book encourages women to clear the clutter in their hearts and homes by focusing on what is really important – their daily walk with Jesus.