Guest Writers

Raising Generations Today is incredibly thankful for the amazing team of writers that contribute to our blog in order to inspire moms to reach the hearts of their children for the glory of God.

September McCarthy

September McCarthy


September is married to her builder, and they have raised ten children and continue to add more blessings as our family grows up and out. Her heart speaks the truth of encouragement and experience to many women, spanning the generations with a message of hope. She leads small group studies, and mentors moms and women in the areas of life that God has led her through and taught her lessons from the life. She is the founder of Raising Generations Today. She is the author of  Hula Hoop Girl and a new book release in fall of 2017 with Harvest House Publishers. Find her online at September McCarthyFacebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


Kate Battistelli


Kate Battistelli, author of Growing Great Kids, is a wife, a former Broadway actress, and the mom of GRAMMY winning Christian contemporary artist Francesca Battistelli. She adores being Mimi to Francesca’s 3 children, Eli, Audrey and Isaac James. She blogs at and is in the midst of relocating to Tennessee and writing her second book The God Dare.


Denise J. Hughes


As an English teacher, Denise loves the world of words, where life and literature connect, but she’s most passionate about the one Book with living words — the Word of God. She’s the founder of Deeper Waters, a ministry devoted to spiritual formation, where women can gather and grow deeper together. She also enjoys serving as the Editorial Coordinator at (in)courage. She blogs at Embracing Grace and Truth, where she writes about faith, motherhood, and writing. When she’s not teaching in the classroom or at conferences, she’s trying to find shade in sunny Southern California while sharing life with her husband and three kids.


Trisha Goddard

Trisha’s passion is serving Him wholeheartedly in her family and in ministry. Married to Mike since 2001, they have three children, Michael, Lea, and Kaleb. They have lived in Paraguay, South America since 2004 and serve as field workers of Partners for Paraguay. Trisha loves to read, spend time with her family, and travel. Connect with her at, Facebook, and Instagram.

Lee nienhuis

Lee Nienhuis


Lee Nienhuis is a passionate Bible teacher with a heart to see others equipped by the life giving Word. She serves as a speaker and Area Coordinator for Moms in Prayer International and longs for revival that begins in our hearts, transforms our homes and impacts our communities. She and her farmer-husband, Mike have 4 great kids and live in beautiful, West Michigan.  Lee LOVES being a wife and mother, but when she isn’t carting kids, attending sporting events, or whipping up dinners, she loves hot cups of coffee, deep friendships and laughing till her sides ache.

tracy levinson

Tracy Levinson


Tracy Levinson is a speaker and author of “unashamed – candid conversations about dating, love, nakedness, & faith.” Her writing style is “breezy, conversational, and intimate.” As a former atheist, she now presents liberating truth through the Biblical lens of a graceful God.  She lives in Texas with her husband Bruce, and their two young adult children, Josh and Caroline. Connect with her at

claire ditkowski

Claire Ditkowski

Claire Ditkowski is mama to four boys with her husband, Matt, of 22 years. She has a passion to see other moms get connected, walking their mom journeys together. She is a contributing author of the book, The Mom Quilt. She blogs at


Kelly West


Kelly West is a lover of stories: the way that life’s twists, turns, sorrows and joys work together to point us all to the Creator of the ultimate love story. She’s a a high school English teacher, wife to a fire fighter, mom to a 7-year-old boy and 4-year-old girl, and a member of an incredible family. You can follow along with her story at

Nadine Wieler

Nadine Wieler

Nadine Wieler is a wife, mom to a precious baby girl, and certified fitness instructor. She writes at Strong For Her Task, a website dedicated to encouraging women to be Christ-focused on their health and fitness journeys. Nadine and her husband, Cody, also help people reach their fitness goals through their online personal health-coaching business, Converge Fitness

Jennifer Willcock

Jennifer Willcock

Jennifer Willcock loves to read and when she has her hands free, she is glued to a book, not a phone. She is mom to a tween and teen, both boys and knows more about Star Wars and Superheroes than she cares to admit. She is wife to Mark, who pastors a church in Ontario, Canada. She blogs at

kelly gerken

Kelly Gerken


Kelly Gerken has experienced the loss of twin daughters Faith and Grace, who were born still at 26 weeks, and the loss of an infant son Thomas, who died shortly after birth from Potter’s Syndrome. From her family’s journey of grief and healing, Kelly founded Sufficient Grace Ministries for Women, a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit, in 2004 to encourage women and to provide comfort for families experiencing the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, or the death of a young child. Kelly and her husband Tim also have two sons who fill their days with golf, baseball, and lots of laughs. Her book, Sufficient Grace, was released in November of 2014 by Comfort Publishing.

Sarah Wesgate

Sarah Wesgate


Sarah Wesgate is a wife, mom and passionate student of leadership on a mission to raise children with the heart and skills to influence others well, and equip other parents to do the same. Sarah is delighted to be a “professional” encourager and especially cherishes moments with her two girls and husband! You can find Sarah at You can also find her in Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Teresa Glenn

Teresa Glenn


Teresa D Glenn, author of Becoming A Peaceful Mom: Through Every Season of Raising Your Child, speaks and writes to encourage and mentor women about partnering with God through the every day circumstances of life. She and her husband Terrell celebrate 28 years married and have three grown children. Teresa is a pastor’s wife and enjoys ministry alongside her husband. They live in Houston, Texas. Connect with Teresa at, on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Karen Sipps


Karen Sipps is a hot chocolate connoisseur and hugger who lives and dreams in the Deep South. A mom to pre-teen twins, she especially loves watching how God is working in their lives and the lives of their friends. She blogs at Karen Sipps Writes, crafts youthful innocence at Christian Bedtime Stories, and can be found on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Cynthia Stuckey

Cynthia Stuckey


Cynthia Stuckey is the mom of two twirling girls and the happy wife of a blue-eyed man with major latte-making skills. She lives life from the front porch of a blue house in the modern deep south where she owns too many books and never wastes good coffee. Cynthia desires to write winsome words of hope & togetherness at She would love to connect with you there or on Instagram.

Clarita Yoder

Clarita Yoder

Clarita lives her dream as a wife to Ben and mother to Zoe, Olivia, Hudson and Jack. Her heart is to see other women come alive and thrive as they come to know the Savior’s love and find security in Jesus! In her spare time she works with her husband to remodel and style homes, and she is passionate about helping families with health & wellness. She blogs at

Jessica Bolyard

Jessica Bolyard

Jessica is a writer and speaker with a passion for connecting the hearts of women with the heart of the God who adores them. Through her own relationship with the Lord and her journey with anxiety and depression, she has come to appreciate the subtle ways God lovingly draws us into intimacy with Himself in the most otherwise ordinary moments of life. Jessica lives with her husband and daughter in Georgia, and firmly believes that iced coffee, soft blankets, old books, and purring cats are the main ingredients for a perfect afternoon. Visit her website:, and follow her on Instagram: @jessica_bolyard.

Ginger Cummins

Ginger Cummins

Ginger Cummins, a homeschooling mom to two children, is married to her best friend and ministry partner, Matt. Together they work in family ministry for their local church and community with a passion to help families keep Christ in the center of the family. You can also find her writing at Back to the Basics: Family.

Karen debeus

Karen DeBeus

Karen DeBeus is a homeschooling mom learning to live more simply and keep God at the center of it all. She is the author of three best-selling homeschooling books and writes at Simply Living for Him and Bible Based Homeschooling. In 2016 she founded the Simply Living for Him Retreat, which is a time of rest and renewal for all women seeking Jesus. She desires to follow after Jesus with all her heart, clear the clutter of this world, while encouraging others to do the same.


Christin Slade


Christin Slade is a happy wife and work-at-home-homeschooling-mother to seven children. She knows the challenges and joys of motherhood and trying to balance a busy life. She enjoys writing, coffee, and weight-lifting. You can find her on her blog, Instagram, and Facebook.

bethany davis

Bethany Davis


Bethany Davis has been married to Ray for 18 years. They have 8 kids and 2 dogs. She loves Jesus, loves her family and loves to laugh! She has a passion for encouraging women to live to the fullest and to share Jesus with their families, each other and their communities. You can get to know her better over at!


Kelly Switala

Kelly has a passion for family ministry and encouraging parents to fight for the hearts of their children for Jesus Christ. She enjoys teaching tots in Sunday School, Bible study with the girls, and hiking waterfall trails with her family. She considers it a humbling, joyful privilege to serve the Lord through her writing at RGT and at Kelly resides in the Finger Lakes region of New York with her husband of twelve years and their two children.


Jessica White

Jessica White lives in upstate NY, married to her high school sweetheart and mom to 5 children {including triplets}. She is the author of several books that are still in her head and will remain there until she has a bit more time. For now, she writes at, where she shares about God’s awesome work in her through raising 4 kids that are two years apart, while being a wife and a daughter of the King.


Lisa Asenato Hill

Lisa Hill lives in Elmira, NY, amidst the beautiful rolling hills of the Southern Tier. Married for twenty-two years, she and her husband Terry have three children, and one son-in-law. She has been writing for over ten years, and also enjoys reading, walking, jogging slow, and traveling. Pirate by Night Lisa’s first inspirational historical romance will be released the summer of 2015 from Pelican Publishing. She writes at

Holley Gerth
Heather MacFadyen
Cherie Werner
Lovelle Gerth Myers
Stacey Thacker
Tonya Salomons
Ashlie Oestreich
Wendy Speake
Crystal Stine
Jennifer Dukes Lee
Traci Little
Lisa Jacobson
Lisa Jo Baker
Angie Ryg
Michele-Lyn Ault
Hilary Smith
Jennifer Ebenhack
Elisa Pulliam
Tracy Howard
Rachel Anne Ridge
Becky Mills Daye
Holly Hover

Raising Generations Today is a non-profit ministry without any financial reimbursement for those who contribute articles to this website.