After we graduate out of small groups for mothers of preschoolers, we are looking for something, someone to talk with, to meet with and to know that we are not in this alone. There seems to be a lack of close community for mothers today, where the Word of God is the central focus and every season of motherhood is valued and discussed. Raising Generations Today believes that women should have someone in every season of motherhood that she can turn to and look for a helping hand or a listening ear. But more importantly, RGT hopes to inspire women to speak life and encouragement into another mom in a different season of motherhood than herself. Look around you and think about the women sitting in the church pew, at the Dr.’s office, or even at work. Those women have most likely, also walked in motherhood alone, finding their way without much help or encouragement. When we are feeling the most desperate for someone to reach into our lives, there will be five more women/moms feeling the same way. You are not alone.

The Mission
To inspire and equip women to hope, embrace and thrive in every season of motherhood. RGT has a heart to bring the generations together in a small group setting and meeting one another right where we are.
The Meet-Up
The RGT Meet-Ups are small group meetings scheduled for once a month, hosted by one person, a group of women or a seasoned mother and a younger mom. The invitation is always open to all moms every month. The flexibility, and permission, to attend when you are able is the key component to our Meet-Ups.
The Model
Every Meet-Up will look different in seasons of motherhood and leadership, but each group generally contains the following elements: greeting, book discussion, refreshments, mom topic Q&A, prayer, and fellowship.