The time has come.
A dream prayed over and up and through again, as we sought the Lord for His purposes and plans.
It took a divinely orchestrated team of women {and some super supportive husbands} to birth this vision for you to see.
Raising Generations Today
We imagine you leaning up close to the nursery window, peering in, eager to touch that promise of joy and hope!
That’s how we feel about this brand new conference for moms! Yes, we are ready to announce our joy and exciting news to you with the promise of what is to come!
We’re full of hope and joy about what the Raising Generations Today Conference will mean to so many women — hundreds of women that will grace this online community with their enthusiasm and connect in real life at the Radisson in Corning, New York in March 2014.
Oh my, do we really have to wait that long to be together? It seems like forever!
That’s how much we want to serve you, be with you, minister to your every momma need. Our heart beats for moms today to reach the ever so important hearts of their children. We know you need encouragement. We know you need resources. We know you need the support of godly women willing to step into mentoring roles in your lives and your children’s lives.
We know. And we count it an honor to serve you for the glory of God as we work diligently to bring the Raising Generations Today Conference for Moms to life.
We thank you already, for your support!
So go ahead and spread the word. Grab some flair for your blog. Mark your calendar for March 21-22, 2014! And put that friendly little reminder in your phone to get your tickets at the early bird price on April 1st. We can wait to see you in real life, sooner than we anticipate, I’m sure!